What is the Buzz Pro?

Buzz Pro is entirely done for you!


Buzz Pro & Buzz Pro + Appt Setters plans are for our busiest clients who are expanding their teams or want to be hands-off and directed by a team with a proven track record of success. The ones who understand what cold outreach is but who also know there are always ways to improve their approach. If you like the idea of having guidance for everything from campaign creation to reporting analysis, this is where you should start!



Buzz Pro is entirely done for you. We provide all the following elements:

  • Campaign strategy;

  • Expertly crafted messages;

  • Ongoing A/B testing of your campaigns from top to bottom.

We get away from client sentiment to see what works best - based on statistics and real-life results. 


You get full access to your Buzz Sales Engagement Dashboard to check in on the success of the initial outreach messages, but only have to jump in when a prospect replies. A lot of our clients stick to the Buzz Pro plan long-term because they can't beat our annual pricing.



Buzz Pro Core Benefits

  • Full Access to the Buzz Sales Engagement Dashboard with dedicated personalized support;

  • Personalized ongoing campaign management, copy creating, targeting review and strategy;

  • Best-in-class solution for clients looking to scale with minimal knowledge, time or resources.


As a Campaign Owner

  • Once you receive replies to your initial outreach messages, you need to start developing conversations further using your unique call to action. You can also decide to engage our team of appointment setters instead, who will handle this step for you.


Buzz Pro + Appointment Setters

This feature takes outreach automation to the next level! Our appointment settlers are real human beings so that you can be sure we do what's best to deliver the success you need. Buzz Appointment Settlers take care of the first response, acting as a viable solution to outsource and automate some of the most important business activities and functions of our clients.


Buzz Tips for Best Success

  • Schedule regular strategy calls with your dedicated Campaign Manager. We provide weekly slots, but feel free to use them as needed!

  • Check out our announcements regularly and make feature suggestions - our amazing clients always make us better ?;

  • Follow Buzz on LinkedIn - we post exciting tips and white papers on a regular basis to provide you with knowledge and insights that make you even more successful;

  • Try out all our features - create multichannel campaigns and leverage reports to find what works best for your business.