Pipedrive Integration

Seamless two-way pipeline management using the leading SMB Pipeline Management CRM.

Pipedrive Integration

Buzz's pipe drive integration is a native 2-way connection that allows you to add and manage your deals using either your Buzz Pipeline or Pipedrive.

Connect your Pipedrive to Buzz:

  1. Login to your Buzz account.
  2. Click on the "Integrations" tab.
  3. Click on the "CRM Integrations" Filter.
  4. Located the Pipedrive Integration.
  5. Click "Connect Pipedrive"
  6. Enter your Pipedrive credentials, and click "Connect".

When a CRM or the Buzz Pipeline is activated, a tab called "Pipeline" will be added to the navigation bar on the left-hand side.

Add your deals

Adding deals to your Buzz Pipeline and Pipedrive is easy.

  1. Locate your prospect in the Inbox
  2. Select the prospect you would like to add to your CRM
  3. Click on the "Create new Deal" from the Profile Card in the "CRM Deals". 
  4. Select the Deal Stage, and add the deal name, value, and currency.
  5. Click "Create"

When a deal is created, the deal will be added directly to your Buzz Pipeline and Pipedrive Account. Future changes made in either Buzz or your CRM will change the deal stage, value, currency, name, or "won/lost" status. 

  • You can connect multiple CRM's to a single account.
  • Buzz's Pipedrive integration is available in the Pipedrive Marketplace