Pending Connections

Keep track of how many pending invites you’ve sent with pending connections.

Buzz can automate a lot of your sales activity and outreach, including sending connection requests through LinkedIn.

Pending connections will be built up over time, but there are limits you can set which determine how many pending requests you can have at one time.

Follow these simple steps to access your pending connections limits:

1. Head to “Settings” which you can find on the left-hand menu from your home dashboard.

2. Then click on “Pending Connections”.
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3. Adjust the slider as you see fit, and toggle the “Delete oldest pending invitations” button as you desire.

The “Pending Connections” slider you’re presented with determines how many pending requests you can have at one time. Increase this number if your campaigns send out a lot of connection requests.

We also recommend switching on the “Delete oldest pending invitations” button, as this will automatically clear the oldest connection requests that lack responses to make way for new ones.