LinkedIn InMails

This premium messaging feature allows you to send messages to people who you are not connected on LinkedIn.


What Is LinkedIn InMail? 

LinkedIn InMail is a premium messaging feature that allows you to send messages to people who you are not connected to on LinkedIn. While you can't send direct messages to people outside of your network, you can do so with InMail as long as you have a premium LinkedIn account.


You can’t send another InMail message to a member until they respond to the first message you sent. An automatic reminder is sent to the recipient within three days of the InMail message being sent.


Every InMail message that is accepted/declined or responded to directly within 90 days of it being sent is credited back. A pending InMail message isn’t counted as either accepted or declined. As part of the LinkedIn messaging experience, Quick Replies to InMail messages also count as a response.


Quick Stats on the power of InMail Messages:

  • InMail response rate is three times higher than a regular email.

  • Referencing a former common employer in your InMail increases your chances of getting a response by 27%

  • You’re 21% more likely to get a response from a prospect when they are in the same LinkedIn Group as you

  • People who follow your company on LinkedIn are 95% more likely to accept your InMail and 81% more likely to respond to it

  • A prospect is 46% more likely to accept an InMail if they are connected to someone who works at your company


Quick Tip on InMails: