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Prospect Finder
Written by Brittany Watmore
Updated over a week ago

1. Enter into the prospects tab found on the left navigation bar.

2. You will now be in the My Prospects tab as highlighted at the top of your page.

3. Please click Prospect Finder found next to My Prospects.

4. You will now be within the Prospect Finder. Utilize the filters found on the right to narrow down your search list

These filters include location, job title, company information and more!

5. Once you have selected your filters click "apply filters" at the bottom of the tab to search for your prospects.

Helpful Tip: A blue dot next to a category means that there was a filter applied.

6. Once you have your list of prospects, you may now select and decide which one's you would like to add to a campaign.

7. Select the highlighted arrow to select the number of prospects to export.

8. Either click max for the maximum amount of type in the number you would like to export OR You may go through and select by checking off individual profiles to export

9. Click add to campaign

10. Select which campaign you would like to add

Prospects will then export to said campaign

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