Creating a Magic Campaign

Feeling lost on where to begin with your campaign copy? Look no further! Let Magic Campaigns work its wonders and have you up and running in no time.

Note: Magic Campaigns are available at all price levels

  1. While in 'My Campaigns' click '+Create New Campaign'
  2. Choose 'Select Magic'
  3. Choose the Campaign Type. We suggest at least a LinkedIn+Email campaign for the best potential results. Click 'Next Step'
  4. Fill out the objective options, making sure to customize when needed
  5. Click 'Next Step'
  6. You can choose to add a case study by clicking '+Add Case Study'
    1. All fields are text and require manual input
  7. Click Generate Campaign, this may take a few minutes to create.
  8. Click 'Review'
  9. You will now see a fully formed campaign that you can edit as needed. 

Please keep in mind that you will need to manually input the timing between steps and lists of potential prospects.